The Keefer Block

December 13, 2012

I always look forward to shooting a project for Jen Eden from Occupy Design. She always finds unique and creative ways to use a space, and the display suite for Solterra’s Keefer Block is a great example of that. The presentation centre sits at street level right downtown, and faces north. There are no windows and virtually no ambient light, but Jen managed to open it up by constructing an indoor balcony and a huge backlit skyline. That light source, combined with the huge neon sign, and ceiling mounted spotlights as well as flourescents, put me to the test. Several hours later I emerged with a great set of images that she can use in her portfolio to demonstrate her versatility and problem solving skills.
Keefer VancouverKeefer VancouverOccupy DesignJen EdenKeefer VancouverKeefer Vancouver
Contact: 604.765.1843

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